My commute to school/work on a Honda CRF250L is a short one lasting between ten and thirty minutes, depending on traffic. From that perspective, here is my list of the pros and cons.
- It's cheap. I spend about $3 a week on gas.
- At my university, motorcycle parking is about one mile closer to campus.
- Car drivers don't have a secret wave for each other.
Dumb ass drivers are now deadly dumb ass drivers.
- In hot weather, the motorcycle gear is tortuous...particularly when sitting at lights.
- The time it takes to put on all that gear nearly negates my time savings from parking closer.
- Carrying multiple large items can require a certain amount of creativity.
- Five-minute errands are more irritating (due to having to take off one's helmet and gloves before entering most businesses).
- Your dual sport gets sad if there aren't any dirt roads on the way to work/school.
- On a dual sport, the otherwise dull act of going to school/work becomes considerably more exciting.
- You can take the "long way home".
- Riding a dual sport is awesome and basically makes you a bad ass.