Everybody knows that coral are essential for marine biodiversity. Most people don't know, however, that they are also secretly brutal bad asses. As cnidarians, corals and anemones (anthozoans) are related to the feared jellyfish (medusazoans). The common thread that unites cnidarians is the presence of stinging cells. Read more
Why Cnidarians (jellyfish, coral) are awesome
Cortney Science & Technology + biology, cnidarians, corals, jellyfish, nematocysts, why invertebrates are awesome
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Structure and formation of recent limestone (Miami & Key Largo) of Southern Florida
Cortney Science & Technology + bryozoans, calcium carbonates, corals, florida, geology, limestone, ooids, sea level, southern florida
This post provides a brief overview of the formation and characteristics of recent limestone deposits in Southern Florida, the Miami Limestone and Key Largo Limestone. Most of this material was collected as part of a presentation for EOS 404S: Geology of Tropical Marine Environments in Spring 2013, but has been expanded and re-formatted here. Read more →